But if you primarily want to game go with the ZxR, that's what it does best. So if you want to listen to music I recommend the EVGA Nu Audio, for its price it does a hell of a lot of things right and very little wrong.

Absolutely good enough for HD650 and even a modded HD800 actually.įor gaming however these lack all the fun factors such as surround sound, loudness, dolby, scout mode etc which makes the ZxR so good for that. There is decent blackness to the background, vocals are present and focused, good bass response etc.

I bought one of these cards and used it for about a week, got a good deal from EVGA so I didn't lose any money and I wanted to try and see how far soundcards have come.įor music when using the inbuilt headphone amp these bested the Creative ZxR quite easily, it's not a super high-end sound but it's coherent and feels "relaxed" and "unstressed".